Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What is a Township?

When I first moved into the area in 2003, I was chatting with one of the election judges at a the local polling station and was informed that I lived in the East Millcreek Township. When I asked what that meant, the answer I received was, "You don't have to have an extra layer of government."

Great, less government seems like a good idea.

Then I would receive the Millcreek Township Journal and I could read all about the local events in our area, the updates from the volunteer Township Council and the current issues being discussed.

Definitions on the web-
an administrative division of a county

If you're Scottish, a very small agricultural community, usually describing a local rural or semi-rural government within a county

In the US,a small geographic area

Now I realize that I can define my community and keep informed by my Township Council.
And if you haven't heard, we have a long list of issues about which we can be informed!

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